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Claim your market share online and get tangible results.

πŸ† Win the digital race!

Claim your market share online and get tangible results.

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All-in-one Digital Marketing & Sales

"We help you Captivate & Nurture your clients
while refining your Offer & Sales strategy"

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Work with Awaj AI.

Take your digital marketing efforts to the next level with Awaj AI.
Captivate, nurture and organize your prospects, track interactions, automate workflows, generate reports, and more...

Average ROAS

An average of 7-folds 'return on ad spent' across all our campaigns.


More than 300 refined templates for all specific campaign schemes.

Online Reach

Segmented reach of more than 12 million audience in Ethiopia and UAE.

Pro AI Models

Professionall AI models customized for marketing & sales tasks.

Digital Resources

Variety of essential digital assets for impressions & engagement.


Get exclusive access to more than 100 partner channels and platforms.

Get results with Awaj AI.

Our clients have been outspoken about how we have helped them achieve their goals. Here are some of the testimonials we have collected:

Bruk Daniel

Bruk Daniel

Marketing Director, Impact International PLC

Finding a CRM software that satisfied both our requirements and our clients expectations was something I never imagined available locally here in Addis Abeba. Great job Awaj Team, Keep up the good work!

Check our main services.

Content Marketing

Our services include:

Strategy development

Content creation

Content distribution

Content optimization

Content analytics

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Content Marketing Awaj Ad

Bundled Deals

Awaj's digital marketing bundled deals are carefully tailored to meet specific marketing campaign schemes.

The offers include everything needed to create and manage a successful online campaign with guaranteed results.


Grow with us, Awaj AI is boomingπŸ”₯.


Tools & Solutions


Marketing Reach


Winner Campaigns

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Data-driven strategy

Awaj AI heavily relies on data-driven insights and analytics to measure and optimize your digital marketing performance and ROAS.

We are a team of experienced digital marketers who excel at all aspects of online marketing, from SEO and PPC to social media and email marketing.

Effective execution

We help you create and execute effective digital marketing strategies that align with your business goals, allocated budget and campaign timelines.

Download Awaj AI

Install Awaj AI across all of your compatible systems. Whether you're in the office or you're out and about - Awaj is ready whenever, and wherever, you are!

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